The different types of bollards and what they’re used for
There are different types of bollards depending on where you want to use them. They can be used to direct traffic on the highway or control movement of people and vehicles in restricted areas. Again, during emergencies, removable bollards are used to keep off the public from the scene. Bollards are also used as a decorative feature around buildings to define the perimeter of a site. In the case of vehicle collisions, bollards will help resist the impact. Thus, pedestrians are protected from injuries and property from damage. Following are some types of bollards
Non-crash resistant bollards
Bollards are not only used as protective barriers, but they also warn against impending attacks, direct traffic and add to the exterior aesthetics of a property. They are also used in blocking off alleys, bike trails and such from vehicle access and thus preventing collisions. These types of bollards are also used as … Read More